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I’m finally on my way with this website.

I’ve been posting to facebook too much.

Problem is, it’s easy to post to facebook but difficult to post here.


I think I’ve got most of the problems worked out.  (only took 2 years!).

and so I’m very very happy to finally be able to share with everyone…. Just come to and BOOM.  It’s all there.  Just scroll down and see everything I’ve been up to.


so I apologize that the website doesn't look very good yet...

I’ll get better.  It’ll take time but it will.  I think the key is being able to share with you in the meantime WHILE it gets better.

You like my potatoes down there, by the way?  They will be planted in the garden next week.  Much better than throwing them away, wouldn’t you agree?

I’m not a professional writer but I can’t wait to share with you things I create in the shop.  Or how I’m doing wild stuff like growing plants in upcycled kitty litter boxes filled with water.

or family stuff

Like how I’m teaching the family cat to do her homework.  Ok ok!  That’s my son’s HW… but really… come on… admit it… you fell for it! 

Mason Bee Shelter during the Winter

so welcome to everyone

Friends, family, or if you’re new and just happened to stop by; welcome.  Thank you for coming and I hope you stay a long time.

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