I wasn't feeling right and went out jogging to clear my head. This was the result.
This isn’t clickbait. “Restarting my work with the website, store, videos, facebook page, etc” was the outcome of this jog. My work that you are looking at today is the result.
I’ve been under so much pressure with homeschool that while Chris has made incredible progress, I’ve had to put everything on hold.
I've been helping Chris to create a better version of himself.
And I’m not going to lie, it’s made me mental. I can’t describe how ill-prepared I am for this task or how difficult this decision has been on my state of wellbeing. I did not choose this, I do not want it, but what else is a parent supposed to do? My wife and I cannot get the help our son needs in the public or charter schools in our area. Now he’s woefully uneducated and what parent wouldn’t swoop in and save their child if they could?
“We must dare to be great; and we must realize that greatness is the fruit of toil and sacrifice and high courage.” -Roosevelt
Which found me jogging in the woods to clear my head. I wanted to share my experience with you because I went in feeling terrible, got the endorphins flowing, formed a plan and came out better for it, feeling good.
And my renewed interest in this website and sharing whatever I can with you is the result.