Chris graduates 5th grade
Yeah. We made it. He’s in 6th grade. Chris graduated today and I wanted to share this beautiful sight with everyone. I know everyone’s beenRead More »Chris graduates 5th grade
Yeah. We made it. He’s in 6th grade. Chris graduated today and I wanted to share this beautiful sight with everyone. I know everyone’s beenRead More »Chris graduates 5th grade “Should we homeschool our son?” We are inviting you to share our experience of the hardships and concerns we face being a family ofRead More »We are contemplating homeschooling our son.
I Thought i had it but no! Wouldn’t you know, the other night, I was up late, I THOUGHT I had it but no! IRead More »I Thought I had it but NO! (Now I do!)
It was supposed to be cloudy all weekend but we caught a break. Chris was so excited. Absolute amazement. Just incredible how into thisRead More »WE DID IT!!! WE FOUND SATURN!!!
I haven’t slept in two days! What a rabbit hole I’ve been down. You can’t see the work I’ve been doing but GOOGLE SURE CAN! TheRead More »I haven’t slept in two days.
I custom design a power switch for the Medusa Backlit Mirror using TinkerCAD, a 3D printer, some hot glue and solder.
i threw my back out early last week Couldn’t stand, barely walk, etc. I had to take a couple days off, then hobble around theRead More »Sorry, I got behind with posting.
I recently cut down a tree and the stump has been giving me trouble. Now I didn’t really know what to expect but I figuredRead More »Stump Grinding with a Harbor Freight Grinder